Culturally Responsive

Becoming Culturally Responsive Educators-Rethinking Teacher Education Pedagogy This brief has a twofold purpose: to demonstrate the need for rethinking current approaches to teacher education pedagogy, and to provide guidelines for developing culturally responsive teacher education pedagogy.

Culturally Responsive Classroom Management summarizes the four key components that are essential to culturally responsive classroom management-knowledge, authority, ability, and commitment.

Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Strategies describes a five-part concept of CRCM derived from the literature on culturally responsible pedagogy, multicultural counseling and caring: recognition of one's own cultural lens and biases, knowledge of students' cultural backgrounds, awareness of the broader social, economic and political context, ability and willingness to use culturally appropriate management strategies, and commitment to building caring classroom communities.

Culturally Responsive Differentiated Instruction aligns differentiated instruction with culturally responsive pedagogy.

Double-Check: A Framework of Cultural Responsiveness Applied to Classroom Behavior describes the five components of the Double-Check model and provides a case study example that illustrates how school teams and individual teachers can apply the framework when encountering persistent behavior problems.

Professional Learning for Culturally Responsive Teaching demonstrates the need for rethinking current approaches to professional learning and provides guidelines for professional learning for culturally responsive teaching, as well as research-supported examples of schools and districts engaged in this process.

Toward a Conception of Culturally Responsive Classroom Management includes five essential components: recognition of one's own ethnocentrism, knowledge of students' cultural backgrounds, understanding of the broader social, economic, and political context, ability and willingness to use culturally appropriate management strategies, and commitment to building caring classrooms. Suggested are questions and issues for future research.

Students should receive specific examples to help them understand what it means to be a culturally responsive classroom. 
Teachers must understand and enforce these concepts if they seek a classroom that fosters community.

Do your students see diversity as a strength?

Word clouds help students organize words. The most common words are the biggest. 

1. Kea, Cathy. Richards, Heraldo V. Campbell-Whatley, Gloria D. (2006) Becoming Culturally Responsive Educators: Rethinking Teacher Education Pedagogy.  NCCREST. (3-11)
2. Seagle, Zachary. Culturally Responsive Classroom Management in Urban Education
3. Metrapolitan Center for Urban Education (2008) Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Strategies. NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. (3-6).
4. Metrapolitan Center for Urban Education (2008) Culturally Responsive Differentiated Instructional Strategies. NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. (3-6).
5. Bradshaw, Catherine P. (2009). Double-Check: A Framework of Cultural Responsiveness Applied to Classroom Behavior. TECPlus. Creative Commons Attribution License. (2-14).
6. Artiles, Alfredo J.; King, Kathleen A.; Kozeleski, Elixabeth B. (2009). Professional Learning For Culturally Responsive Teaching. Equity Alliance at ASU. (2-14).
7. Curran, Mary. Weinstein, Carol S., Tomlinson-Clarke, Saundra. (2004). Toward A Conception of Culturally Responsive Classroom Management. Rutgers University Journal of Teacher Education. (26-36).
1. The Meek Moose. (2012).
2. Cook, Robert. (2012). Teach For America.
3. Anne Arundel County Public Schools. (2012).
4. Kay, Rachael. (2011). Blogspot.

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