Parent/Family Involvement

Developing Teacher-Parent Partnerships Across Cultures-Effective Parent Conferences is an article that addressees teachers' challenges in the context of productive teacher-parent conferences because such conferences represent the most common means of family-school communication and offer a building block for teacher-parent partnerships.

Family Partnerships That Count looks at three important approaches on parental involvement: building respectful relationships, engaging families in supporting learning at home, and addressing cultural differences.

NMSA Research Summary-Parent Involvement defines six types of parental involvement. Recommendations for increasing parent involvement are discussed.

Parent Involvement Fact Sheet is a fantastic resource based on what research says about parent involvement in children's education. This document outlines when parents should get involved and includes Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement. Also the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement are included.

Parents In The Picture addresses involving immigrant parents, meeting working parents halfway, and parents helping at home. This reading also describes two different types of parents-the partner parent, the helicopter parent.

Setting A Parent Trap focuses on creative methods used to engage parents. Ideas and advice for getting reluctant parents involved are included.

1. Jordan, LuAnne; Reyes-Blanes, Maria E; Peel, Betty B; Peel, Henry A; Lane, Holly B. (1998). Developing Teacher-Parent Partnerships Across Cultures: Effective Parent Conferences. (141). 
2. Allen, J. (2008). Family partnerships that countEducational Leadership61(1), 22.
3. Pate, P.E. & Andrews, P.G. (2006). Research Summary: Parent Involvement. National Middle School Association
4. What Research Says About Parent Involvement In Children's Education: In Relation to Academic Achievement. (2001). Michigan Department of Education. 
5. Long, Cindy. Parents in the Picture: Building Partnerships That Last Beyond 'Back to School Night'. 
6. Emma. Setting A Parent Trap: What's the most creative method you've used for engaging parents?
7. The 'Partner Parent'
8. Anfara, Vincent A; Mertens, Jr.; Mertens, Steven B. (2008) Varieties of Parent Involvement in Schooling. Middle School Journal. 

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